Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

HIM: I’m sorry, I just can’t do this anymore. It’s just that you look exactly like this psycho girl that I dated in college.

ME: But I’m not psycho.

HIM: I know that. But, you see, it’s like this: it’s like fighting in Vietnam, and then coming back to the U.S. after the war and walking into a Vietnamese restaurant and freaking out.

ME: You were born in 1979.

HIM: I know, but…

ME: I’m supposed to be the Vietnamese restaurant?!

HIM: Well, yes…


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just out of curiosity... did you actually clip Q's toenails without him being aware or did you simply collect some clippings he left behind?

I believe those two scenarios are totally different...

3:43 PM  
Blogger Leigha said...

This is so embarrassing, but since my life is out there anyway, I may as well fess up (my next blog post will probably be about this very situation)...

Q and I used to live together, briefly, back before he got with that woman he just broke up with. He used to clip his toenails while sitting on the (closed) toilet, with his feet perched on the tub; but he would never rinse out the tub when he was done.

I was always the first one in the shower in the morning and there was nothing worse than stepping on a pile of someone else's clipped toenails. Seriously; gross. So one morning I gathered a bunch to do something with (I don't know what - put them on his pillow?) to make my point. But we ended up breaking up before I thought of anything good, and so I was left with a little jar of his toenails.

And then it just kind of became a sweet little reminder of him. All of his idiosyncracies. And now he thinks I'm a psychopath, when in reality I'm just a sentimental schmoe. It was totally innocent, and he blew it way out of proportion.

6:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What an inconsiderate slob... Q, that is...!!!

On the other hand, Petra, I find it a bit peculiar that you seemed to have token samples of quite a few other people... and then there's this altar thing...

I don't know if I would have reacted exactly like Q did... but I would sure have been a bit uneasy... at least until your next smile...

9:39 PM  
Blogger Leigha said...

I can explain every one of them, I swear! It's all totally logical and not creepy (okay, except for the passport, that was kinda spiteful. It's not like the guy was actually GOING anywhere).

It's just when they're all together in the altar that they look suspicious (I usually put it away before people come over...I wasn't expecting Q that night). *sigh* It does look crazy, doesn't it? I have really good intentions, though, I promise.

Who are you, by the way? Can I get a hint?

9:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They say that all the roads that lead to HELL are paved with "good intentions"...

Forget about intentions... your actions are what count and what you'll be remembered for... hence your problem... we have witnessed your actions but can only guess at your intentions (except for the plausible if somewhat flimsy explanation of your plans for using Q's "clippings").

As my nick conveys I am from PR... just like Q... and I very much enjoy following his meanderings through the CW peephole...

Hint enough?

10:10 AM  

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